Thursday, September 28, 2006

Online shopping is so addictive

So, okay i did get the night off. My employer was totally cool about it and said "have fun, we'll see you tomorrow." She rocks (most of the time). So me, my sister and my brother went and had pizza along with many of his teachers and kids from his school. It was supposed to be like a family night thing, but yea there was like nothing to it except that all the people there for the family night sat together in one big room but still with their family or friends. I thought that was pretty funny, its supposed to be all about school spirit and whatnot but all it was was me being uncomfortable having to eat gross pizza. But my brother wanted to go and he had fun playing the games afterward and seeing his friends so it was worth it i suppose.

Then afterwards we went to Hastings, and i was looking for a specific book, couldnt find it of course. So we were walking around and my sister showed me a Spike action figure! I absolutely fell in love with it. I mean it looked perfect. There was a Subway Spike figure and then a vamped out Spike in his trademark black leather coat. They were too cool for words. I obviously knew there were Spike action figures (as well as practically everyone else from the Buffyverse, which includes Angel the Series) but i had never seen one in person. The action figure was pretty expensive, at least for me, at 40 bucks but i so would have bought it had it not been quite that much. But i told everyone that im going to buy them.

I think im going to look online, because surely you can find them for cheaper online. I love Amazon. I suck at eBay shit, but Amazon i love because you find it, you click it, add it to your cart, and say buy and you know its yours, no ones going to take it away from you by 3 measly cents. So tonight i bought 2 Buffy books which was exciting. I have never read books about Buffy before and im not talking fiction books that aren't really cannon i just can't see myself reading those, but never say never. Anyway im excited because most of the reviews for them seemed favorable and im a sucker for behind the scenes stuff and trivia and quotes and all that jazz. The two books i bought tonight were The Watcher's Guide Volumes 1 and 2. I didn't get Volume 3 yet because that one was 10 bucks and i didnt feel like spending that much right now. I spent 10 bucks on both of these books together. Also the other night i bought another Buffy book "Seven Seasons of Buffy" and that one should come tomorrow or today rather. I am so excited about that one. Its just like all kinds of writers and behind the scenes people writing about the show they love. I cant wait.

And now i want to start looking for the book i didnt find at Hastings online too. And start looking into Spike action figures and action figures of all the other Buffyverse characters. I never thought i would be someone who would want to collect action figures and read books about a televison show, but anyone who shares my love and obsession with this show knows how quickly it settles into your heart and imagination.

Well look at that its only 1:30 a.m. and im pretty much finished with what i want to do so i may try to go to bed. Or maybe I'll watch an episode of Buffy... Night.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

We'll Both Be Safe till' St. Patrick's Day

I love this song, its one of my favorites from John Mayer called "St. Patrick's Day" and since I'm listening to a new version of it I just bought, I thought I would make a line from the song be my title post.

I hate asking for days off from work. I not only feel bad, especially when it has to be short notice, but it’s also kind of embarrassing. I hate doing it and its not that my employer is rude or doesn’t give me the day off, (although she has been known to be bitchy to me every once in a while when I ask for a day off and that does contribute to my reluctance to ask) I just hate asking for things like that and then getting them. I feel bad about it. I want to take my brother to this family night thing his school is doing tonight at a pizza place. My mom will be at work or she would obviously do it and I wouldn’t be having a dilemma here. The thought of my dad or my sister taking my brother to this event is laughable. They just wouldn’t do it. So now I have to call in a little bit and grovel and ask to have tonight off. I hate it but I suppose that’s all part of being an adult. Or maybe being an adult means that sometimes you don’t get to do the things you want no matter that it’s not for you in the first place, and you just have to go to work and not have the day off. But then again my brother is not the adult and it’s not his fault he can’t go otherwise. So I think part of being an adult is knowing that sometimes, for the sake of your child/sibling/sanity you have to ask for certain things no matter how embarrassed or reluctant you might feel about it.

Btw, got decent sleep last night. I went to bed around 4 a.m. or something and got up at noon today lol. I probably could have slept longer than that too.

“No way November will see our goodbyes, when it comes to December it’s obvious why, No one wants to be alone at Christmas time, come January we’re frozen inside, making new resolutions a hundred times, February won’t you be my Valentine, and if our always is all that we gave and we some day take that away I’ll be alright if it was just till’ St. Patrick’s Day.” John Mayer

How? What? How? Three excellent questions.

So, yesterday after I completed signing up for this blog i decided it was time to go to bed. So off to bed i went seeing as how i had to be up at 7:30 a.m. to be at work at 8:30 a.m. which is an hour earlier than i usually go in on Tuesdays. I always say i'll have to be a bartender or something because i simply cannot go to sleep early i think i am physically incapable of doing that. Take this whole situation right now as an example of this.

Let’s go back to me going to bed last night after i finished this stuff up. It was about 2 a.m. i believe and i thought sleep would come normally. Well, so i hooked up my iPod up to my nifty little pillow with a speaker inside of it (my mom bought this for me) and laid down to listen to the playlist i listen to almost every night. It's called "Eat, SLEEP, and Breathe Buffy", with an emphasis on the sleep because i have at least two other playlists dealing with Buffy songs, most directly from the show itself, a few just felt like they would have been at home on Buffy so they are on the playlists too.

Anyway this sleepy playlist starts out with a podcast about Spike. I have listened to it almost 200 times but the man's voice is soothing so i listen to it every night. Then it plays "Warning Sign" by Coldplay, which btw is my all time favorite song and i shall be posting about that sometime soon. After that it goes on to play other quiet, soft, soothing, sleepy songs up until song 10 and then the "Once More With Feeling" Soundtrack starts but i put these here because my theory was that by the time the podcast and 9 other songs were over i would be asleep and not woken up by the more lively songs from "OMWF". And i am usually asleep by the time those songs come on. After that it goes back to soft, soothing quiet songs, then towards the end i have a few audio sound bytes from Spike and then a couple more songs and the playlist just starts back over.

Anyway last night i stayed awake through the entire podcast, which i dont do very often, then through all the songs after that until "OMWF" was about to start. I was worried. By then it was already after 3 a.m. and i was not in the least bit sleepy. So i got up, got back on the computer and basically did nothing for an hour or so. Then i went back to my room, tried to sleep again and just could not. I woke up and put in "Wild At Heart" a BtVS episode from Season 4, a very sad one where Oz leaves Willow, (my second favorite character), with the commentary track running, which included Joss Whedon, (cue the reverential music and god-like awe), Marti Noxon and Seth Green. I had never watched this episode with the commentary and it was pretty funny. After that was over it was now about 5 a.m. give or take and i had pretty much come to terms with the fact that sleep would not be happening. So i put in another episode "Reptile Boy" from Season 2 and listened to the directors commentary on the episode since i had never heard that one before either.

So of course at around 6:45 a.m i start to get sleepy and actually start falling asleep. By then its too late to go to bed and i just had to get up and get ready to go. So all day today or rather yesterday to be precise, i was more sleepy than i have been in a long time. But now here it is 3:30 a.m. again and i am still up. Not a nap to be had all day long and i am still here. I got my second wind but dammit i should be tired. I suspect that as soon as i lay down i'll be asleep before i know it.

The title of this post is a snippet of dialouge from my second favorite episode in the entire series of Buffy. It's from "Something Blue". This episode revolves around Willow, who is a blossoming witch who is heartbroken and tries to do a spell to have her will be done so she can make her heartache go away. But the spell backfires and leaves everything hilarious. I absolutely love it. Well now i think i have devolped carpal tunnel syndrome and must go to bed, or at the very least try.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Finally I've finished this. It took me forever just like i knew it would. Not because the actual process was difficult at all, this was actually very simple, i just had to go and make it more difficult than it needed to be. Tomorrow i shall have fun fleshing this out and making it mine. Goodnight for now, tis way too late and i must be up early (ugh).