Thursday, October 05, 2006

I like mushy peas...

So, let me start out this post by saying, fuck. Now, that I've got that out of my system, let me explain why i said that.

I left my iPod at my employers house, AGAIN! On Tuesday, i took it with me, because i knew i would need a pick me up and I love having my iPod there so i can have some music i enjoy while i play with the kids. Plus, they have the super nice, super expensive Bose iPod dock so it makes it that much more fun lol. Anyway i was playing it and then i just turned it off but i didnt take it off the dock. Well i should have because i forgot it. But i forgot that i forgot about that until later on that night when i was ready to go to bed. Thats when i was like "What the fuck?" where is my iPod and then i was really worried for about 5 seconds that maybe i had left it in my purse in the car, (and i had forgotten to lock my door when we went into the store, stupid!) and someone had opened the door and taken the iPod. Then i remembered that i hadnt taken it off the dock at their house.

So i went to bed without it but it was strange and hard to do because i am a creature of habit, i thrive on it. Anyway today i called her and asked her if i could go in at 4:30 p.m. instead of 5 so i could leave at 7:30 p.m. instead of 8 and she said yea, and i asked her if i had left my iPod there and she said yes it was there. So color me thrilled that it wasnt stolen just left behind by my dumb ass. So i get there today and instead of walking directly over to it, taking off the dock and putting it in my purse i mistakenly think i will remember it before i leave, so i dont think about it anymore, besides i was a bit busy ya know? Anyway fastforward to about 7 minutes ago when i was thinking about a song that i wanted to add to a playlist and then remembering that i failed yet again to bring my iPod home with me and then that brings you up to the f-word, so we're all caught up.

I hate leaving my iPod there. My iPod has never been left somewhere by me like this before. Once i thought someone had stolen my iPod (my uncle's less than honest, according to my aunts and mom, girlfriend, had come over with him and later that night when we i was looking for my iPod and it was nowhere to be seen, my mom and dad seemed convinced she had taken it; turns out my brother had hidden it for me in his bottom drawer cause the iPod was on my bed and he didnt want out little cousins to get it and mess it up, I have never wanted to hug him or beat him so badly lol)but that has been really the only scare like that, knock on wood. But thinking about my iPod, being over at their house makes me feel exposed and uncomfortable.

I mean, to me, my iPod is like a diary of sorts. It houses all the songs that make up so much of my thoughts and feelings and likes and interests. My iPod is like a part of and those songs are like an extension of myself, they explain me when my own words cannot, they comfort me when there is no one else to do the job or the people who try just cant get it right, they fire me up when im feeling sluggish, they inspire me when im nervous, they let me know im not alone when i can relate to what is being said through lyrics or music, when im angry they give me a channel to release that anger into.

I have playlists on there that could tell so much about me, my Buffy playlists, my sleeping playlists, my running playlist, my dancing playlist, my cleaning playlist, my Someday playlist, my sexy (or good to have sex to) playlist, and lots of others that speak about certain aspects of who i am. My top 25 most played songs could tell you what my favorite song is and then that by extension could tell you much about me, the artists that i have on there and the different genres could tell you that i am a varied person with many different tastes musically and lyrically and those in turn all help to explain who i am.

But the thing is, those are private. I mean I'm posting it here, but i seriously doubt anyone will ever read this and even so, I dont know you so its not like im exposing myself in some irreversible way. It's not even like its embarrassing or something, its not really, but its just that part of me thats private and its just sitting in a dock in someone else's home. A part of me exposed and ready to spill my secrets. Does anyone else feel that strongly about their music?

In other aspects of my life, today was relatively normal i.e. boring. The new Target opened today and i didnt get to go. That made me sad. My sister and i went at about 10 p.m. cuz i figured they would keep the same hours as the other Target, which is open till 11p.m. but no they were closed so i will have to try again tomorrow and if not then definitely friday.

William has decided that he doesnt want to eat his dry food nearly as often anymore. He now rushed to the kitchen anytime he hears the fridge open and he devours the wet food, we buy him the little Whiskas packets, but now he won't eat the dry food, Meow Mix Indoor Formula, nearly as much. Oh well, I'll get him whatever he'll eat, and we still give him dry food to have throughout the day.

The title of this post is a quote from Giles in the season 4 episode "Pangs". Here's the dialouge where this quote is from:

Willow : Hey.

Buffy : Peas?

Willow : Peas.

Buffy takes the small box of peas leaving Willow to struggle with a mound of books.

Buffy : These are frozen.

Giles : What's all that?

Willow : Atrocities. I got the full poop on the chumash indians and our fabulous buried mission.

Buffy : You said you were going to get fresh ones.

Willow : Atrocities?

Buffy : Peas. They come in little pods. You were going to shell them.

Willow : I didn't have time. I was busy reading about the chumash war.

Giles : The chumash were peaceful.

Willow : Oh, they were peaceful, all right. They were fluffy indigenous kittens, till we came along.

Buffy : They're gonna be mushy.

Willow : They won't be mushy.

Giles : I like mushy peas.

Buffy : You're the reason we had to have pilgrims in the first place.

LOL, i freakin love that scene and that episode is one of my top ten favorites, for me, easily the funnist in the entire series. I adore it.

Well i suppose thats it for now. Oh lol, yea i just remembered, i did go back and complete my livejournal account. I just couldnt stand having something out there that belonged to me that was left incomplete. So i went and simplified it all up and wrote a little first post post, but i still just prefer this one, i just feel like we're already old buddies and i feel comfortable here. I dont know maybe I'll try and keep them both updated. I was never very good at remembering the lessons i was taught.

"It's been so long i should just move on, there's other fish in the sea, but I keep hoping that you'll swim back home to, I'm just glad i got the chance to know you, you'll forever be the one that got away." Allister. Night.


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